Univille offers exchange opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in the “outgoing” and “incoming” modalities . In the outgoing model , Univille students have the opportunity to study at partner foreign universities, and in the incoming model , foreigners have the opportunity to study at Univille. Among the programs offered for academic mobility, Univille has the International Academic Mobility Program - PMAI for undergraduate students; Univille undergraduate and stricto sensu graduate students can apply for the Canadian scholarship program Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program - ELAP; master's and doctoral students can carry out part of their research abroad, among other possibilities.

PMAI - International Academic Mobility Program
O PMAI é um programa na modalidade “outgoing” para estudantes da graduação da Univille. Para se inscrever, você deve estar cursando a partir do 3º semestre.
Em mais de 40 universidades parceiras ao redor do mundo, você tem a chance de expandir seus horizontes e enriquecer sua trajetória acadêmica e profissional como estudante da Univille.
Você tem a possibilidade de estudar disciplinas de seu respectivo curso em universidades conveniadas da Univille no exterior, durante seis meses ou um ano. Durante esse período você terá a gratuidade nas mensalidades na Univille e na universidade estrangeira.
Fazer um intercâmbio traz uma série de benefícios valiosos, tanto para o seu desenvolvimento acadêmico quanto pessoal. Entre os principais ganhos, podemos destacar o aprimoramento de idiomas, a aquisição de habilidades interculturais, a ampliação do seu conhecimento acadêmico e o enriquecimento cultural e social, além da criação de um networking internacional.
Mas atenção, os custos de passagens, moradia, alimentação, seguro, visto, entre outros, são por conta do estudante intercambista!
As inscrições são disponíveis anualmente, através de edital da Assessoria Internacional, disponível em nosso site.

Estudante Estrangeiro
Univille is open to foreigners and welcomes them to study subjects from their respective courses at our University, in the “incoming” modality, providing international and intercultural academic relations.
The exchange program requires an international cooperation agreement with the student's home university. A B2 level of Portuguese is recommended to take courses taught in the language at our university.
Mobility procedures are carried out with the International Advisory Service.

ELAP - Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program
ELAP is an academic mobility program for Latin American undergraduate and graduate students interested in taking part in an exchange program in Canada, with a scholarship included.
Exchange scholarships last four to six months and range in value from 8,200 to 11,100 Canadian dollars (2024). These amounts can be used to cover airfare, visa, health insurance, housing and educational materials.
Students enrolled in any undergraduate or postgraduate course (Masters and Doctorate) at Univille can apply for ELAP.
To apply, there must be a cooperation agreement between the candidate's Brazilian institution and the chosen Canadian institution. You can apply to Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières or Concordia University of Edmonton.

Internacionalização em Casa
“Internationalization at Home” is an opportunity to integrate intercultural and international dimensions into the curriculum of all students with virtual activities or activities that take place at Univille, “without leaving your home”. For example, workshops, lectures and courses with international guests and partners, subjects and modules in a foreign language, among other initiatives.
eMOVIES - Virtual Exchange
The Virtual Mobility Space in Higher Education - eMOVIES is a free virtual exchange platform for all Univille students. More than 1000 subjects are offered in all areas of knowledge at undergraduate, continuing education and postgraduate levels.
On the platform, you select the subjects you would like to study and the International Advisory Service helps with the documentation and makes your application.
You will take a course as a foreign student enrolled at the respective university, which will guarantee an international certificate for your CV, in addition to intercultural and academic exchanges with foreign students. The courses can be in the “synchronous” or “asynchronous” format, that is, live distance classes or recorded classes offered by various universities in the Americas in Spanish, English and French.
Registration deadlines vary according to each discipline and applications are accepted throughout the year.
eMovies is an initiative led by the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (IOU).

International Internship
O estágio internacional envolve períodos de atividades práticas realizadas em instituições parceiras e empresas afiliadas à Univille globalmente. Nos estágios em formato “outgoing”, os estudantes da Univille realizam atividades práticas e observacionais em empresas e instituições estrangeiras e, nos estágios “incoming”, os estudantes estrangeiros podem realizar atividades nos nossos projetos de ensino, pesquisa e extensão ou em hospitais e maternidades parceiras.
Os estágios “incoming” em hospitais e maternidades são ofertados para estudantes de Medicina através da Federação Internacional de Associações de Estudantes de Medicina (IFSMA). Ambos os formatos (outgoing e incoming) acontecem sobre demanda. Procure a Assessoria internacional para obter maiores informações ou entre em contato com a IFSMA se você for estudante de Medicina.
Short Term Programs
Short-term programs involve mobility activities lasting an average of one week to one month. For example, in-depth foreign language courses, academic and business trips, international academic-scientific and cultural conferences and seminars, among other initiatives.
We currently have partnerships for discounts on English courses at the University of Victoria, in Canada, and at the University of Limerick, in Ireland , exclusively for Univille students, ranging from 15% to 25% off.
We invite you to produce collaborative conferences and seminars in partnership with us. We also invite you to participate in our international events and study English at our partner universities.

International Research
International research involves sharing and producing knowledge jointly with foreign academic and scientific partner institutions, strengthening international scientific collaborations. Univille students, professors and researchers who wish to collaborate in research with our partner universities or others of interest can contact the International Advisory Office for clarification.
International students who would like to conduct research at our institution are very welcome. Interested international students are encouraged to consult our list of research projects and contact us to express your interest.